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A Beginner’s Dilemma – How to Stay the Course?

Despite our love for staying settled in our comfort zone, we know by now that any type of physical activity is necessary for good health. We should incorporate a moderate exercise regimen to receive the benefits that a healthy lifestyle has to offer. And if you are a food lover like me, then you must have already realized that mere intentions to lead an active lifestyle are not going to prevent you from those “oh so delicious” delicacies unless they are backed by a stronger motivation and determination to become healthier. And believe me, I am sharing this from my personal experience.

In fact, motivation is the foundation for everything you wish to achieve. According to the ever-inspiring, Jim Rohn, motivation makes you move, but habits enable you to keep going. The same applies to following a healthy lifestyle. If this healthy lifestyle thing becomes a part of your habits, you would no longer need any motivation to stay healthy. This important factor is often overlooked.

Many people start their journey toward the force but most often they become distracted. The motivation eventually fades and they revert back to their former lifestyle habits. Is there a way to transform a healthy lifestyle into a newly formed habit so that no further motivation is required to continue the path? Of course!

Below are tips, techniques, and suggestions to help you to stay the course until your fitness regimen integrates with your lifestyle. These tips and techniques will help you stay motivated during the initial stages and pave the way to healthier habits.

Here is the top list of several tips to start your fitness regime and staying motivated throughout the course:


  • Consider exercise as a necessity:                                                                                Exercise is extremely crucial for better health, however, the workouts are put on the back burner due to other priorities. Many people feel that they do not have the luxury to spend time in a gym or elsewhere due to family responsibilities. While this holds true, you have to consider that if you want to remain healthy for the long haul and spend a contented life with your loved ones, you must lead an active lifestyle and include a moderate level of exercise in your daily schedule to start. Do not procrastinate on your exercises, otherwise, you may not be able to lead a longer and more active lifestyle as you age.
  • Start with small and easy exercises:                                                                            Complicated exercises kill motivation. If you start your fitness regime with simple exercises aiming toward smaller workout goals, you will not face any problems in achieving that goal. For example, you can start with just 10 minutes of jogging. If you feel that is too much, you can cut it down to five minutes a day. This will help you exercise regularly, which is where you want to be. The next week, you can add another five or ten minutes to your workout schedule.
  • Introduce variety to your fitness program:                                                              Performing the same workouts in the same surroundings may bring a sense of boredom to your fitness regime. Keep the workouts fresh and exciting by introducing variations of where and how you exercise. For example, you can achieve the same muscle toning by switching from free weights to the machine. Take a strength training class. Similarly, you can switch to outdoor activity – which just so happens to be my favorite! Inviting friends to workout with you is the surest way to spice up your fitness regime!
  • Add fun to it:                                                                                                                   Whether you are exerting in a gym, home or outdoors, it is important that you enjoy what you do. If not, working out will not likely become a habit. You will view it as a chore and will eventually give it up. So make sure that your workouts are an enjoyable experience for you. You can choose your favorite outdoor activity or exercise within the comforts of your home. Slap on some music or naming your workout regime as “Operation Sexy Hips” may introduce some fun with it.

Next Page


































A Beginner’s Dilemma – How to Stay the Course?


     Top list – continued

  • Consolidate your tiny steps to overall success:                                                                    Use progressive training in strength and cardio workouts. You can start by lifting a weight that challenges the body but allows you to complete reps with proper form comfortably. After the body adapts, increase the workout either by the number of reps or by adding on more weight – depending on your goal. For cardio, begin slowly and increase the time by 5 or 10 minutes each week until you have reached your desired duration. Always stretch to warm up the muscles before any workout. These tiny yet consistent increments will help you achieve bigger results you had in mind.


  • Speed up the progress for results:                                                                                     On the flip side to the above approach, you can plan a 45 or 60-minute workout schedule for 5 days a week. Motivation level is generally the highest at the start of a fitness program, so you probably will have no problems in completing your first week. Thereafter, reduce the intensity and perform about 25 to 30-minute workouts during the next two or three weeks. Rinse and repeat the process. This approach will help you achieve your overall goals in quicker time. This also challenges the muscles while allowing them to recover during the moderate workout cycle. The recovery phase can allow you to switch up on your workouts which induce further muscle growth and recovery.

  • Focus on one goal at a time:                                                                                              This one was challenging for me! But we all know that it takes hard work to achieve anything credible. This is the reason why many aspiring fitness enthusiasts imitate professionals and dive into everything at once. Unfortunately, this approach can quickly disrupt the entire progress. The best approach is to write down your fitness goals and prioritize the one goal that is the most important to you. Once you achieve that goal, you can easily move on to the next goal. You can better focus on your diet when workouts become your habit. If your motivation is winning at any stage, realigning your fitness goals is probably one of the best ways to boost your motivation level.


  • Focus on each progress:                                                                                                  Hitting a goal can seem overwhelming. Rather than worrying about it, focus on what you have already achieved. Make sure to track your progress and take pictures at regular intervals – let’s say each month. Once you find out that you are making steady progress, it will immensely boost your motivation.


  • Consolidate your overall progress with monthly challenges:                               According to many credible fitness trainers, a 30 day period is ideal for designing your workout challenges and tracking progress. As recommended by Steve Pavlina, you can easily commit yourself to this 30-day trial and compare the results. Depending on the results, you can modify or commit yourself to another challenge.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Diversity –  If you are not required to follow the same fitness regime for a fairly long duration and there is room to modify your monthly challenges, your motivation level will stick to the higher side.





































Exercises For Different Body Types

In our first article, “Does Genetics Really Play a Part in Growing Muscles?“, we broke down the meaning of different factors and how each of them plays a part in muscle development in different body types. In this two-part article, we will go into detail exercise routines that will work best for each one. This article is pretty lengthy but it is written with the hope to solve some unanswered questions along with having a clear understanding of how to move forward. Let’s get started…..

There is much information from personal trainers, fitness specialists, and coaches that encourage workout programs to lose weight or tone muscle effectively based on your body type. For example; a person that has a relatively trim frame with shoulders and hips of the same width will need a totally different exercise program as compared to someone with a body type that is curvy. Exercises for optimizing your shape is so much more effective than doing a standard “one size fit all” exercise program.

First of all, it is important to note that a person’s body type comes down to your family genes. Unfortunately, it is not possible to alter your body shape as factors such as our bone structure, genetics, and hormones predispose you towards one body shape or another. We have no control of which area the body stores fat, however, we can control how much fat the body stores. You can exercise for your body shape to lose, bulk, or tone.

The three body types are Ectomorphic, Endomorphic, and Mesomorphic. The majority of people will most likely have a combination of two of them but not all three. We will briefly explain each body type below, and go into detail what is needed to achieve a healthy weight and get the best results for your body type.


If you are Ectomorphic, your body shape is tall, lean, and some may say with having long limbs. Darryl Hannah falls into this category. Although there are a few reasons why they are considered thin, the major cause lies in their genetics. In addition, their metabolism is fast so they burn calories at a faster rate than they put on. They are able to keep the weight off in general. Ectomorphs can also be considered “skinny fat,” which means that they are a relatively low weight or a small size yet still have access weight stored in places they probably do not want it!

Basic Ectomorphic Features

  • Delicate or fragile build
  • Tall and lean physique
  • Lightly muscled
  • Takes long to build muscle
  • Does not gain weight easily

If you fall into this category, you may have difficulty with building muscle or just gaining weight in general than most people. The primary focus here is on building muscle mass (bulking), by getting stronger on each exercise (this applies to women too), through training with heavier weights. Think intensity, not volume. Because ectomorphs lack in strength, they should take longer rest breaks between sets – 2 to 3 minutes. The best workout for such body types is compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, shoulder press, bench press, pull-ups, rows, and various single leg movements. Compound workouts will get more of a hormonal response than isolation movements.

Cardio is still required to keep up general fitness but not to the same extent as the other two body types. Keep cardio activity limited to small amounts. Do away with “steady-state” cardio and add sprinting to your workout at least once but no more than twice a week.

They may feel that they are eating a lot, but the primary reason for not gaining muscle is because they are not getting in enough calories. Ectomorphs should consume anywhere between 3000 to 5000 calories per day to gain and add muscle. Try adding calorie dense ingredients into a ‘weight gain’ shake, such as coconut oil, nut butter, avocado, flaxseeds, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with ground up oatmeal. To get bigger you must eat enough to create a caloric surplus which means your total calories must be higher than the body is burning. Gains should be controlled and gradual to avoid gaining too much within a short period of time.

Eating 5-6 times two to three hours a day is very doable. Ectomorphs need to eat a lot of all the macronutrients and not just protein. Include a diet of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein-rich foods such as green vegetables, whole grain bread, legumes, dairy products, and meat.

The Top Exercise For The Ectomorphic Body Type:

Weight training is required every second day to build muscles. The idea is to target each major muscle group into an upper/lower body split workout.This will allow recovery time while working on each half. The best way to determine the right amount of weight is to aim for 6 reps for heavier weights. Do two to three sets of each exercise.

The target muscle groups and exercises:

Shoulders: Seated dumbell and barbell press, barbell shrug, shoulder presses

Biceps:  Bicep curls, bent over rows, horizontal rows, pull-ups, pull-downs.

Triceps: Triceps extension/pushups, close grip bench press, dumbell pushups, chest press

Legs:  Barbell and box squats, deadlifts or isolation exercises such as dumbell lunges, leg presses, and various single leg exercises if squats are not your thing.


If you are Endomorphic, your body frame is rounded with curvy features, like Mariah Carey. These body types find that they put on weight more easily as their body’s metabolism is slower than the other body types. As a result, the percentage of how the body stores fat is higher. Watching what and how you eat is a must for Endomorphs.

Basic Endomorphic Features

  • Bulky or round body
  • Can put on weight easily, especially around the midsection
  • Short or stocky physique
  • Slower metabolism
  • Can build muscle more quickly

If you fall into this category, eating 5-6 smaller meals three to four hours a day will help to regulate metabolism. Follow proper nutrition and never starve yourself in an attempt to lose weight. This method does not work in the long term and is detrimental to your health.The primary focus here is on reducing the weight and building lean muscle mass. It is much easier to cut with a higher amount of daily calories and reduce them down than to start too low.

Reduce the intake of carbohydrates and consume more protein rich foods. Eating large amounts of carbs can lead to an increased insulin spike which is responsible for the uptake of glucose into cells. This, in turn, decreases fat oxidation. The body will convert these excess carbohydrates into fat stores. Decreasing the intake of carbs will reverse the process. Carb intake should be timed around breakfast and exercise. These are the times when the body needs it most. The body is in an anabolic state post workout and need carbs to replenish itself. The carbs eaten should consist of complex carbs, predominantly vegetables. Foods high in proteins and healthy fats work best for Endomorphs. Proteins help in maintaining lean muscle and keeps you satiated for longer hours.

Endomorphs benefit the most from cardio workouts for losing and maintenance. Add in strength training for a toned look; not bulking as in bodybuilding. The good news is this is achievable because they are able to build lean muscle mass very quickly. Other exercises such as Pilates and Yoga can also be an immense help.

Best Exercise For The Endomorphic Body Type:

Cardio workouts are your best friend. The best workout is integrating both steady state cardiovascular training and moderate to high-intensity interval training (HIIT workouts) that increases the heart rate. Studies have proven that interval training will significantly increase fat burning and overall weight loss. Start with every two days building up to 6 times a week with cardio. A consist routine helps with conditioning the muscles for strength and optimizing shape.

Do you know that weight training conditions the heart too? To get the benefits of strength training while avoiding the size gain; train two days a week using light to moderate weights with higher reps (8-15), with shorter breaks (30- 60 seconds) for keeping the heart elevated throughout the session. Building lean muscle increases the resting metabolic rate, decreasing the chances of storing fat. Always add in cardio (15-30 minutes) after each strength training session. Major muscle groups should include the back, chest, arms, legs, and lastly the abs.

Depending on your preference, ideal cardio workouts include:

Cycling:  Indoor or outdoor. Start doing 15 minutes and slowly build up.

Treadmill:  Start with an easy pace for 10 minutes. As you get fitter, increase time and intensity.

Swimming: 15 minutes to start with and increase in line with fitness.

Walking or Jogging:  Start with an easy pace for 10 minutes. As you get fitter, increase time and intensity.

(Editor’s Note: The benefits of cycling and swimming are that your body is supported, reducing the impact on your joints. Start slowly and build up your workout.)


If you are the mesomorphic body type, you have an athletic body frame such as George Clooney, who is lean and muscular without trying to be. They generally are classified as having a “medium” build. It is easy for them to both gain and lose weight. A balanced diet and workout plan should still be the primary focus.

Basic Mesomorphic Features

  • Athletic built
  • Full of energy and capable of a lot of physical activity
  • Females have an hour-glass structure while men are rectangular shaped
  • Gain muscle easily with proper training

Mesomorphs should consume a balanced diet rich in protein and complex carbohydrates such as fruits and veggies, brown rice, lean meats and fish, eggs, legumes, and healthy fats. Their exercise routine should ideally be a combination of circuit training, high-intensity cardio, moderate weight training, core, and strength training.

The Best Exercise For The Mesomorphic Body Type:

Weight training is best combined with cardio to keep fit, maintain a healthy weight, and balance your workouts.

Achieving a lean physique for a mesomorph requires consistent cardio sessions for weight maintenance. Incorporating 30 to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three to five times a week should become a regular part of the exercise routine.

For bulking, perform 8 to 12 reps of three to four exercises with a moderate to heavier weights for each muscle group. Complete at least three sets of each exercise and rest 1 minute after each set. Reduce cardio to twice a week, preferably on off days.

For toning, switch up your weight training routine by using higher reps with lighter weights, adding in body-weight exercises and techniques such as supersets and circuit training, can encourage strength and stamina without adding additional muscle mass. You can shorten your rest times to enhance fat-burning or slow them down to increase strength.














Rejuvenating the Skin with Healthier Cells

In the quest for vibrant, healthier skin naturally, adding superfoods to your meal plan would be a great place to start. Well-known superfruits that offer this value are Golgi, Aecia, and Noni. These are normally the fruits that come to mind when you hear of superfoods. But unfortunately, they can be difficult to find locally and are rather expensive. However, the good news is that you do not need to pay an arm or leg for expensive superfoods nor do you have to go through undue stress in searching for them. There are alternative options available.

Most of these foods are available at almost any store. After going through this article, it may shock you to learn that some of these foods are staring you in the face. The saying about how one can live healthier and stronger by incorporating more fruits, whole grains, and vegetables is really true and would be significant in improving our health on a global scale.

Why do nutritionists tag superfoods with so much importance? It is because they are helpful when treating any damage to the skin from within. All the nutrients that are extractable from these foods are put to usage in the body. The blood vessels then transfer the end product to the epidermis which is the outer of the two layers that make up the skin. This transportation improves the skin’s firmness by replacing the worn out cells.

Below is a list of the seven foods which boosts the body’s functioning by rejuvenating the skin from within.


(1) Berries –  Berries are one of the known sources of flavonols. Flavones are a type of antioxidant that rids the body of toxic elements and free radicals. The Sea Buckthorn berry is also an inhold element that generates tissue and properties that improve the skin’s appearance and state of being.




(2) GreenTea – This anti-oxidant drink is one of the most effective sources for anti-aging and rejuvenation of the skin. The reduced amount of caffeine in green tea makes it helpful in ridding the skin of impurities and also acts as a sunscreen. Green tea also makes the skin glow.




(3) Salmon – For meat lovers, salmon is rich in omega-3 and selenium and is an accurate protein source. People who are not a fan of vegetables can include salmon in their meal. Taking in salmon three times a week as part of a healthy eating plan sets back the skin aging process.



(4) Avocados – Avocados are fruits that contain mono-saturated fats that reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood and aids in skin cell repair.They are, therefore, a bonus for people interested in putting aging at bay. It helps to regulate blood pressure and perfectly retains fluid in the body since they contain potassium.



(5) Apricots – Apricot oil is an essential element in maintaining the level of moisture in the skin and controlling its elasticity. Apricots are rich in vitamins B, C, and A. These vitamins naturally aid in clearing blackheads, restore damaged cells on the surface of the skin and removes blemishes.




(6) Watermelon – The sweet taste of watermelon can make you forget all its benefits.They contain anti-oxidants, vitamins, and citrulline. Watermelon improves your metabolism, detoxifies your body and maintains the body’s acid level while hydrating the skin. Rich in vitamin A, watermelon helps keep skin and hair moisturized, and it also encourages healthy growth of new collagen and elastin cells. Watermelon has a lot of health benefits and therefore, falls on so many good food charts.


(7) Almonds – Almonds can replace a sweet snack and give you many benefits an ordinary snack does not. They provide you with unsaturated fats of all kinds, which are healthy fats the body needs daily. Enriched with vitamin E makes this snack stand out the most. Vitamin E keeps the skin and hair healthy. For the best results, avoid almonds that are roasted or salted but rather eat them raw. Almonds should be part of snack in between meals to avoid eating junk or fast food, for they are known to keep hunger at bay.































Spirulina – The Powerful Sea Green

Spirulina is a blue-green algae plant that provides the body with immense health benefits! It is harvested from lakes in warmer climates such as China, Thailand, India, Africa, Mexico, Hawaii, and South America. However, it is being locally grown and utilized. It is available in powder, fresh, or in tablet form. It does not matter what form you take it; the health benefits of spirulina makes it the best nutrient-dense food source. However, you should keep in mind that the organic form of spirulina is always the preferred choice as others can be contaminated or have nitrate compounds as additives.

One setback is that it does not have the most pleasant flavor. But not to worry, there is always a solution for every problem. I will let you in on the secrets that will help you get the best from this powerful superfood!

Simple Options on How to Take Spirulina

Option 1 – Take  3000 mg dose of spirulina tablets every morning with breakfast. The recommended or standard dosage of spirulina is 3000 mg, but you may discuss with your health care provider. Depending on your current health, he or she will tell you the exact dosage that will benefit the most.


Option 2 – Mix one to two teaspoonfuls of spirulina powder with your yogurt, juice, or smoothies. As earlier stated, spirulina has a not too pleasant taste so combining it with your smoothie will help to reduce its bitter taste.



Spirulina should be taken at least one hour if you consume coffee, soft drinks, or alcohol. Caution: Adding these beverages can still destroy its enzymes and nutrients.

Categories of people who can use Spirulina:

Pregnant – It was revealed in a study that spirulina helps to protect the unborn from cadmium, which is a toxic heavy metal found in cigarettes, grain cereal products, potatoes, and some leafy vegetables that had been grown in contaminated soil or water.

Despite the promising results of another study that was performed on rodents, human volunteers who were healthy, and those who had existing medical conditions; there has not been enough supporting research or testing in pregnant or breastfeeding women according to a statement published by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. If you are pregnant, your physician may recommend that you avoid this supplement.

Seniors – A published research showed that spirulina was effective in counteracting certain conditions associated with aging such as anemia and immune function.

Weight Management – In a clinical trial published by the Department of Internal Diseases, Metabolic Disorders and Hypertension, University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, Poland, concluded that, “Three months of regular consumption of Spirulina maxima not only improves BMI and weight but also results in improvements in blood pressure and endothelial function spirulina in overweight patients with hypertension but lacking evidence of cardiovascular disease.”

Athletes – Are you a fan of athletic activities? Do you crave the need for endurance, more stamina, recovery and better performance? If yes, spirulina is the best bet. Most athletes make use of spirulina as a supplement to enhance their endurance and also boost their performance. Furthermore, spirulina prevents athletes from over training by providing support for their immune system. Spirulina speeds up the rate of metabolism which in turn aids burning fat faster by the body. Through this process, the body reduces its dependence on carbs for energy.

The beautiful thing about spirulina is that it is a source of energy for athletes according to a research published by the American College of Sports Medicine. During workouts or exercise, the primary cause of muscle fatigue is the build-up of toxins, but as stated earlier, to every problem there is a solution. Spirulina prevents the buildup of toxic free radicals in the muscles during training. The recommended dosage of spirulina for athletes is 30 grams per day. It is easily digestible and can be taken before or during a competition. Taking a few tablets after the contest will promote fast recovery.


Sadly, there are many brands that are on the market that is grown in contaminated areas containing high levels of metal or unsafe bacteria. Low-quality spirulina products can harm your health. Always research the source. Purchase products from a company you know, or heard from someone. The manufacturer must provide their products details and contact information. If the prices are cheap, chances are their spirulina is not pure – fresh spirulina remains a dark green color with a flour-like consistency.

Heavy metal poisoning lies on where the algae are grown and how it is harvested. Even though metal toxicity is rare, this is one of the main reasons for going with a reputable, high-quality brand. Inquire with the manufacturer and ask if their product was tested and ask for a copy of the results if needed.

Those with an autoimmune disease or phenylketonuria, (PKU) should seek a physician’s counsel before taking.

Reactions, allergies and stomach discomfort can occur with taking spirulina. Usually, these symptoms will go away by reducing the dosage amount or completely stop taking spirulina altogether.


Creating Food and Drinks with Spirulina

Have you tried creating meals with greens from the sea? Adding spirulina will create a delicious experience! Besides the health benefits, an addition of spirulina will also make your meals colorful.


Shakes and juices are very easy to prepare. The preparation doesn’t take time or much effort. Take one before training or for breakfast!

The Banana Island Spirulina Shake


3/4 Cup Watermelon, Frozen. (Pineapple can also be used)

1/2 Cup Non-Dairy Almond/Rice Milk

11/2 Frozen Bananas

1/2 Tsp Spirulina

Method: For a tropical spin, blend until it has a smooth consistency then sprinkle with some dried coconut or coconut milk.

The Go-Green Spirulina Juice:


2 Medium Sized Green Apples Sliced

1 Small Lime

1 Fresh Chopped Cucumber

1 Tbsp Spirulina Powder

Method: Put in the chopped apples and cucumber in the juicer. Get your lime and squeeze over the contents of the juicer. Blend until the consistency is smooth and add in the spirulina. Blend again.


Spirulina can be added to fresh salads also. Sprinkle spirulina over your fresh salad and get yourself energized.

The Green Delight Spirulina Salad:


1 Cup of Alfalfa

1/2 Cup of Fresh Basil

1/2 Cup of fresh Mint

2 Cups of Fresh Mixed Greens

1/2 Green Avocado Chopped

1 Cup Chopped Tomatoes

1/4 Cup of Raw Almonds

2 Teaspoons of Spirulina powder

Method: Get a bowl and break the mixed greens with your hands. Add in the raw almonds, chopped avocado, and diced tomatoes. Then finely chop the basil, and fresh mint then adds into the bowl. Get your spirulina and sprinkle over the salad. Mix with a teaspoon of olive oil.


You can also enjoy spirulina in impressive desserts. With the addition of spirulina, you get to enjoy a dessert filled with the nutrients needed by your body.

Spirulina Dessert:

Sweet Spirulina and Sesame Balls: Ingredients:

1/2 Cup Tahini

1/2 Cup Almond Flour

1 Cup Raw Almonds

125 ml Organic Almond Paste

1/4 Sesame Seeds

1 Tbsp Spirulina Powder

Method: Roughly chop the nuts. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly, mix until it’s smooth. Make small handfuls of the mixture into balls and then roll them in a coat of sesame seeds. After that, line a baking tray with baking paper. Put the balls on the tray and refrigerate for one hour.

























How to Eat Healthier for 2017 and Beyond


We all run a busy schedule in this 21st century. We run helter-skelter to make ends meet for our families at the expense of neglecting ourselves, leaving our health vulnerable.

Dr. Elizabeth Cleino, a Wellness Philosopher for over six decades, stated in an interview that our lifestyle choices determine 75% of our wellness. Today, adverts of eateries, restaurants, fast foods, and the likes run through every media. The likes of McDonald’s, KFC, Dominos Pizza, Rally’s, and all other fast food places are in every nook and cranny of US cities today. Why? They are tapping into the consumer’s main needs – convenience and cost.

Society tends to entertain adverts on drugs than following prescriptions on strong living based on what we eat. We prefer a cure versus prevention. Either we are not mindful of this or we are, but fail to see its importance.

Most foods we take in today get cooked or prepared in less than five minutes. These processed foods endanger our health and make our body system vulnerable to attacks.

No one has ever disputed the fact that “health is wealth.” We only apply measures and abide by the information we know – which is our knowledge about what we eat. Reduce your health risks by taking proper nutritional food measures.

Practice these seven measures, and you will be on your way to a healthy lifestyle:

Adopt Reading Food Labels

Every food item you buy from a grocery store comes with the list of ingredients on the label including the manufactured date and expiration date. It is no doubt many often check the expiration date only and ignore the parts that are put together to become the particular food item. Check and make sure you always do away with foods with over 5 or 6% of saturated fat and over 2300 mgs of sodium. Eating a higher percentage can lead to hypertension and diabetes.


Eat more of fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are essential to have a balanced diet. They have a high percentage of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and with little calories. Research shows that lots of health benefits are proven provided from the consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables. They also give protection against heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. USDA food pyramid offers a suggestion of eating fruits and vegetables in a minimum of 5 times a day. Make your meal 60% vegetable today and also endeavor to take in a fruit per meal.


Drink lots of water:

The body’s water level differs in every human being, and that is why it is advisable medically. Your body requires enough water to function properly and it should be your primary beverage. Other beverages contain lots of sugar and artificial sweeteners than the body needs. Drinking enough water daily aids the production of pale yellow urine. A deep yellow color is an indication that you are not drinking enough water. You can do totally away with other beverages by adding lemon, lime, or extracts of any other fruits and herbs to your water for added flavor.


Increase your Food Quality:

The saying, “You get what you paid for,” also implies with food. Endeavor to go for the highest quality of whatever food you chose to eat. It only means you must focus on whole, real, fresh, homemade, organic, and local food. Food quality counts in nutritional measures towards eating healthy food.


Limit Snacking Habit:

Eating between meals is very rampant. Most individual practice it, and I will say it is a bad habit. Why must you eat almost every hour daily? You could remember mom will most times warn you not to ruin your dinner and stop you from snacking either by putting away those treats in the refrigerator or thrash. She is only preventing you from adopting bad health habits. Take snacks but do not snack! Go few hours without feeling hungry. You can!


Avoid Overeating:

Eat only the amount of food that will last you 2-3 hours and not try to post-eat thinking you might not have time to take in another meal some other time. In addition, do not unconsciously or intentionally go on a hunger strike because this will also automatically leads to overeating which is not good for the digestive system. Eating much of food leads to indigestion, bloating, cramping, heartburn, and gas. Eat meals that contain protein, healthy fats and fiber which helps your body to notify you by sending signals to your brain to inform you when you are hungry and when you have eaten enough. Overeating causes some inactivity in the brain cells that block these signals.


Sit at a table:

Eating when the body is not at rest makes it hard for digestion to takes place. Cultivate the habit of eating seated because that is only when the body is at rest. Eating while standing can lead to a digestive weight gain, upset, and overeating if care is not taken. Your body system will appreciate it if you sit and take a deep breath before you eat. Make it a priority today. Sit at a table – your body will thank you later.


I agree with the fact that making these measures a habit can be difficult.Try applying one or two of these measures at least once weekly until they all becomes your lifestyle. A gradual implementation of process produces outstanding results. Strive to live a healthier life today.





































Ways to Overcome Stress Naturally

The most valuable and prized possession we have is our health. For many years, I have taken a personal interest in healthier aging and getting my body back to its healthiest state. My direction is to focus on ‘preventative’ or ‘natural alternatives‘ for optimal health and wellness. Without our health, we would not be able to achieve the things we want to in our life, go places we want to go and do the things we wish to do.

Over the last few decades, as more fast food restaurants continue to evolve, more people have turned to fast food to keep up with the demands of a busy lifestyle according to a study done at the University of Minnesota Medical School. This, in turn, has created an increase in various illnesses and a lack of peak performance in the body.

Here are seven tips to take back control of your health and get on the path to wellness:

(1) Spend time in nature:

Do you remember when you were a kid and you would lie down on grass, climb trees, jump from cliffs into the lake, listen to birds chirping and you were filled with joy, awe, and wonder? Do you recall playing in the sand on the beach, looking up at the sky as the clouds were floating above you, observing the beauty of the stars, and contemplate on the vastness of the universe?

As an adult, when was the last time you did any of these things? Yet, it is never too late to reconnect with the child within and relive the beauty of life! Perhaps the best way to do so is to spend more of your time in nature, whether that is in your backyard, the nearest park, the mountains, or the sea! It does not really matter where, as long as it is an environment pulsating with the life of nature; which will help you feel calm, let go of stress, find fulfillment, and realize what matters most in life.

(2) Eat healthily:

As redundant as it may sound, you are what you eat. Indeed, the fuel you put in your body will affect its function and condition. Different researchers have shown the benefits of adding a whole, organic, unprocessed plant-based foods as part of an eating plan. Processed, pesticide-filled foods are killing people slowly without them being aware of the poisons that they are consuming on a daily basis. If you want to see your physical and mental health improved, be sure to consume foods that are contributing to your well-being. Try to avoid ‘quick’ foods that you eat out of habit. The companies behind these foods care about nothing other than their own economic gain.

(3) Create your wellness plan:

Once you know you actually want to get on the path to optimal health, create a plan which requires you to know what you would like your body and health to look, feel, and be like in about one to five years time. Break down that vision into monthly goals of nutrition, exercise, and anything else needed to get you there.

(4) Drink lots of H2O:

During the course of our sleep, we lose a lot of water during our breathing and so it is important that when you get up, you start off with a large glass of water. The vitality our cells gets from water is crucial for keeping our body working in the correct order. Without water, our cells start to wilt and die, just like plants.

(5) Rest well:

Without sleep, our body’s clock starts to dysfunction, causing poor habits. Rest well and consistently each day. Try to keep your timings consistent so your body can set its routine. If you cannot sleep early, invest in some blindfolds, ear plugs, soothing music, or whatever you need.

(6) Exercise at least 30 minutes a day:

This article would not be truthful if I did not include exercise. It gets the body moving, the blood circulating, and your energy in motion. If you work at home or in an office, reserve 30 minutes each day and walk around. If you have a staircase nearby, run up and down it several times a day. The great thing is that you can break up your 30 minutes exercise a day into 2 or 3 segments so you can exercise anywhere.

(7) Let’s move:

Nowadays the majority of people spend most of their time at their jobs sitting. Not surprisingly, they feel sluggish both physically and mentally too, since the mind and body are both interdependent on the other. From this day forward, make sure to move your body more, whether it is walking, running, jumping, strength training, martial arts, yoga, or whatever you enjoy.  I assure you that this will dramatically boost your energy levels and therefore improve the overall quality of your life.

So there you have it – seven ways to take back control of your health and get on the path to wellness. If you are serious about this, you will take on four or more tips above and start applying them. For those whose health is not a top priority, try to incorporate at least two of these.

Getting healthier should be fun, so ensure you keep the fun and excitement in your progress.
















Does Genetics Really Play a Part in Growing Muscles?

Often times an individual may wonder how they are recognized by a close acquaintance to their parents, or why they act in certain ways similar to them. Because it is all about genetics, which is the study of heredity. It studies how physical, behavioral traits and medical conditions are passed on from parents to their offspring.



A question that is commonly asked by many individuals, most especially body builders or trainers is, “Does my genetic makeup affect or influence the growth of my muscles?”. The answer is simple – yes it does. This article will clear all doubts on this subject matter.

Different factors play a role in the growth of muscles and most of these factors are genetically inherited.

The Body Type

There are three distinct body types which are genetically determined. They are the Endomorph, Mesomorph, and the Ectomorph. The endomorphs have a body-type which is solid but stores fat the easiest. They pose a rounded frame. The mesomorphs have a body type which predisposes them to build and grow muscles with less fat storage, hence they pose a more muscular frame. The ectomorphs neither store fat or grow muscles. They pose a thinner frame.

The Effect of Muscle Fibres

Muscle fibers are of two types; namely the fast twitch and slow twitch fibres with the former having a higher tendency to hypertrophy (increase in size) than the latter. The ratio of fast twitch muscle to slow twitch muscle in a person’s body is genetically determined, hence individuals with faster twitch muscle tend to experience faster muscle growth rate with less effort.


The Effect of Anabolic Hormones

The effect of testosterone, a steroid anabolic hormone on promoting muscle growth differentiates the amount of muscle growth in men and women with the former having more testosterone, hence more muscle growth. Other anabolic hormones include growth hormone which has an ‘insulin-like’ growth factor. Higher quantities of anabolic hormone in an individual increase the likelihood for their muscles to grow. This also implicates the effect of genetics on muscle growth.



The level of myostatin in an individual also determines the rate and amount of muscle growth. Myostatin gene is responsible for coding the limit to which an individual’s muscle can grow. This gene is more active in some individuals thus limiting their muscle growth.


Energy Consumption

Certain individuals are generally predisposed to handle energy consumption differently. People who consume energy slowly have an advantage of withstanding the rigors of bodybuilding and training activities. Consequently, these people tend to have more muscle growth than others.



Although a person cannot change his or her genetic makeup, one can take advantage of the knowledge of how genetic makeup affects muscle growth. In our next article, we will explain which workout routine works best for each body types. Along with a healthy diet, one can achieve a higher level of fitness than what they inherited at birth.

















Natural Alternatives: Finding Your Energy



Chronic fatigue syndrome is an enemy within our journey to good health. In today’s culture, the desire for more energy ranks high on our wish list. The top reasons why we suffer from fatigue is due to lifestyle factors, psychological, and medical conditions.

Why do some of us feel as though we can do it all? Sadly, it is because we are expected to. We have the responsibility to be both caregivers and breadwinners.There is always a need to prove ourselves. Between work, school, personal and family obligations, these demands can take a physical and emotional toll on us. It affects our ability to enjoy life to its fullest. In the long run, we lose track of what we believe in, what we stand for, what’s important to us, and what makes us happy.

Good health comes from finding a balance in your daily obligations without the added stress. Your body has a natural energy that needs balance in its system. Stress throws the body off its balance. Energy techniques that alternative therapists recommend taps into our inner energy to restore it back to its normal balance. These treatments tend to be more effective for overcoming fatigue. Instead of treating the symptoms, it aims at correcting the problem at its source.

And To Thyself Be True:

Taking time-outs during the course of the day can have amazing results for boosting energy. Get in a 30-minute nap early in the day. Take a short walk. It does wonders in raising the body’s metabolism. Eating short meals every 2 to 3 hours along with drinking water throughout the day will help to keep our engines running. Get in your 6 to 8 hours of sleep. A full night’s sleep is crucial for getting the energy needed throughout the day.


When we lose our mental focus, it leaves us vulnerable to live up to the expectation of others. Yoga therapy aims at balancing the physical, psychological, and the spiritual side of the body. This is done in a series of poses that purifies and tones the body and calms the mind. Tapping into our “inner being” decreases mental stress, increasing physical energy.


Your body’s natural energy flows in channels. Every organ falls along one of these channels ending at the tip of our hands and feet. The act of applying pressure on the hands and feet sends energy signals stimulating the brain. This process unblocks our pathways into the brain, increasing the body’s energy. You can practice this technique on yourself at any time and in any setting whenever you’re feeling sluggish.

The Thymus:

The thymus gland is located behind the breastbone. Chinese medicine theory states that this endocrine gland plays a role because our body’s energy runs through it. Tapping firmly on the breastbone releases it.


There is nothing like the feeling of your tensions melting away. Massage therapy allows the body to repair itself from the effects of stress. The act of massage puts the body and mind in deep relaxation. The result? You’ll walk out refreshed, renewed and re-energized.

These therapies date back as far back as 5000 years ago. Try combining these treatments along with the proper rest, diet and exercise for faster results.











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Top This: Factors That Affect Hair Health


Our locks are made up of protein called keratin, but there’s no denying that we all want those strands to look and feel their best. Society places a lot of importance on how our hair looks. With this emphasis on hair care in our lives, it’s crucial that we treat the health of our hair the same as we do for our bodies.

 Outer Maintenance and Products:

Too much exposure to harsh chemicals that comes from different perms or hair dyes can leave your hair care itemshair extremely dry, brittle, and more frizzier than normal. Too much brushing, combing, or tight styles  can cause breakage at the crown or along the hairline. I know that some of you have heard the advice about brushing your hair a hundred strokes a day to make it shine. In reality, you really do not need to brush it that many times to stimulate the scalp. In fact, that much brushing can be detrimental to the strands. A scalp massage can be just as effective for stimulating and distributing the hair’s natural oils.

All shampoos and conditioners certainly gets your hair clean and moisturized, but does their nutritional claims ring true as well? The components that you see in many ingredient labels are  designed to provide volume, body, protection, and shine, for example. But past that, there is an important component that cannot be ignored.

Something On The Inside:

To really change what’sprotein rich foods going on with your hair for the better, look to internal sources. Since hair is mostly made of protein, be sure to include protein based foods within your meals so that your body can use these proteins for producing hair. As for vegans and vegetarians, you can get protein from sources like green and chick peas, tempeh or tofu, non-dairy milk, quinoa, nuts, nut butters and beans. Adding B vitamins and iron will help with growing stronger hair, providing blood circulation of the scalp, and nourishing the cells underneath the hair follicles.

Staying Hydrated:

water image

The same goes with consuming enough water daily. The recommended amount for men according to The Institute of Medicine is roughly 3 liters a day. For women, it is about 2.2 liters. There are various lifestyle factors to consider in which this could change depending on how active you are, the climate you live in, your health status, and if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding. If the roots of our hair are deficient in water, it will eventually become brittle, dry and rough. Eventually, the hair will stop growing at the rate that it should grow. Our roots are the only means by which water is supplied from the body to the hair for hydration. Water nurtures our cells, including the ones responsible for hair growth, and provides them with the vitamins we get from our foods. If drinking all that water is not on your “to do” list, you can get it from the foods you eat. On average, 20% of our daily water intake can come from certain foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables. 

 Mind Over Matter:

stressed out person There is a non-nutritional and non-physical aspect to achieving healthy hair that involves a state of mind. We’ve known for a long time that how a person feels mentally and emotionally can have a major impact on hair growth. If a person is under a lot of stress, exercise is effective in reducing the level of cortisone in the body. Blood flow is limited to the scalp when you’re stressed. The hair eventually drops out because too many hairs have entered the resting phase at the same time. Exercise increases blood flow to the scalp along with producing serotonin and endorphins. The hair tends to grow back once the stress is under control.

 Eyes Wide Open:

person cannot sleep


Sleep is a restorative process for the body. The body’s growth hormones are secreted and cells are regenerated when we sleep. When our sleep is cut short, the nutrients our body needs are not properly absorbed, affecting hair growth.

Raging Hormones:

Your hormone hormoneslevels play a part on how hair grows. For women, menopause can change a woman’s hair when the levels of estrogen decrease. This hormone is important for promoting hair growth. While estrogen levels drop, testosterone levels increase disproportionately. Yes, the female body carries some testosterone. These changes shorten the hair’s “growth phase” and causes the hair that does grow to be thinner than before. Facial hair tend to grow with some women.

In men, hair loss is caused by the action of the hormone, dihydro-testosterone (DHT), which is brought on through genetics. These hair follicles gradually shrink over time and the hair spend less time growing and more time “resting”. The more time the hair spends in the resting stage, they eventually stop producing completely.

There are many natural remedies available that aid with hormonal imbalance. Always seek counsel from your physician when considering any treatment regimen.

While there are probably as many more valid reasons that affect producing a strong elastic head of hair, I decided to tackle some of the major causes. The formula to keep hair roots and shafts healthy is very basic: Combining the right products for your hair type, proper maintenance, consuming the proper nutrients, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, moving that body and getting those hormones back in balance.


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