Unisex Training: Does Same Distance & Reps = Same Results?

People choose different training or workout plans depending on a number of factors. Even though a number of them do so based on their target goals, there is also another basic element which determines what exercise routines to follow and how to do them. Being male or female is a factor in deciding virtually any form of exercise that you do because men and women are wired differently; both biologically and physiologically. This means that the kind of exercises that each do have variations that are dependent on a number of factors.Running

The hormonal profiles of both women and men are very different. Women produce estrogen while men produces testosterone. As a result, women who want to build muscles have to work a little harder than men to achieve their goals. Therefore, their exercise routines will not only be different, but also more extensive as compared to men. That is if they want to achieve the same results.

Anaerobic workouts are important in building muscles for stamina and strength. Men usually lift more pounds using bench weights to build their strength. Women are usually better off with small loads but have to carry out numerous repetitions. Furthermore, the same women prefer using dumbbells and resistance bands in order to build muscles or tone their bodies whenever they want to enhance their physical health and appeal.

Another important factor that differentiates workouts for men and women is their metabolism rate. Men burn calories faster than women. They are able to lose weight in shorter time span as compared to women. This means that if both sexes were to be involved in an identical exercise plan to shed weight, women may have to put in a little extra effort and variation to lose pounds in the same amount of time as men.

On the flip side, women are more flexible and have larger lung capacities than men. This means that they can easily take part in activities that require great flexibility like Yoga or Pilates, which men may fumble with. Therefore, when designing a unisex workout plan, women should exploit their flexibility, which is brought about by their better lung volume.


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