Category Archives: Articles

Unisex Training: Does Same Distance & Reps = Same Results?

People choose different training or workout plans depending on a number of factors. Even though a number of them do so based on their target goals, there is also another basic element which determines what exercise routines to follow and how to do them. Being male or female is a factor in deciding virtually any form of exercise that you do because men and women are wired differently; both biologically and physiologically. This means that the kind of exercises that each do have variations that are dependent on a number of factors.Running

The hormonal profiles of both women and men are very different. Women produce estrogen while men produces testosterone. As a result, women who want to build muscles have to work a little harder than men to achieve their goals. Therefore, their exercise routines will not only be different, but also more extensive as compared to men. That is if they want to achieve the same results.

Anaerobic workouts are important in building muscles for stamina and strength. Men usually lift more pounds using bench weights to build their strength. Women are usually better off with small loads but have to carry out numerous repetitions. Furthermore, the same women prefer using dumbbells and resistance bands in order to build muscles or tone their bodies whenever they want to enhance their physical health and appeal.

Another important factor that differentiates workouts for men and women is their metabolism rate. Men burn calories faster than women. They are able to lose weight in shorter time span as compared to women. This means that if both sexes were to be involved in an identical exercise plan to shed weight, women may have to put in a little extra effort and variation to lose pounds in the same amount of time as men.

On the flip side, women are more flexible and have larger lung capacities than men. This means that they can easily take part in activities that require great flexibility like Yoga or Pilates, which men may fumble with. Therefore, when designing a unisex workout plan, women should exploit their flexibility, which is brought about by their better lung volume.


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“Dieting” The Biggest Mistakes That You Should Avoid


canstockphoto4767661(1)Some of us have experienced going from one weight loss program to another with temporary results. You can join the best program there is with the right intentions, however, it won’t work if your mindset is wrong.

The following top 3 mistakes are responsible for hundreds of people going off their eating plan and failing to achieve or maintain their weight goals. Take the time to consider what effect this may be having on you.

1. All or Nothing:

No individual is perfect. We have all heard that statement countless times, but still we find it hard to apply this to ourselves and our diets. We think that we have to stick to our diet plan 100% of the time or there’s no point following it at all. This is definitely not a good approach.

This mindset puts a huge pressure on us. We have a fear of failure if we go off course in our eating plan. We are likely to think that it is not achievable and abandon it entirely. In short, perfection-related diet mistakes mean that we will use the smallest slip-up as an excuse to say that a particular program does not work.

This problem is worse for people who are on restricted plans where treats are considered a taboo. Inevitably, we all have a life to live. Instead of planning on how to cope with the challenges of a party or a wedding, they try to eat nothing all day and then eventually give in to the temptation, abandoning the diet completely.

“Endless Weightloss” is a free eBook which details about how mental and physical setbacks can hinder our weight goals. I share with readers how to counteract them to not only to reach your goals, but sticking with them throughout your lifetime.


2. Patch it Up!

Many people see their weight loss plan as a short term goal and then quit their program as soon as they have reached their target weight. We call this the “patch-up” mindset of dieting which ranks  2nd among our biggest diet mistakes.

People who see dieting as temporary fix will often pick very restricted eating plans or even go on a crash diet. Afterward, they go back to their regular eating habits. With this approach, all of the weight will come back on, guaranteed.

An eating program that gives you flexibility is a much better choice unless you only have a few pounds to lose. You need a plan that you can easily follow.

In addition, you need a program which will eventually become permanent. That way it will enable you to maintain your goal weight, long after you achieve it.


3. The Wrong Goals

Some of us are setting the wrong goals in our eating plan. In anything that you do, your goals should be clear. Start out in small steps and make it achievable. Have an idea of what weight or clothes size you desire and set smaller goals along the way. Reward yourself for the goals that you’ve achieved. We share 6 different ways to do this which are listed in our eBook. Nothing on this list involves food. You can download, “Endless Weightloss” eBook by clicking here.


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This or That?


In our article, ‘Component 2: Anaerobic Fitness’, we share beginners tips on when and how to start implementing strength training exercises into your workout regimen to reach your fitness goals. You can view our article by clicking here.

Fast forward:  You are no longer a beginner. You are now diligent in your exercise plan in getting a great workout. You have either enrolled in a gym or decided to go about your fitness goals by working out at home or outdoors. You are ready to tackle the iron!

I tend to be longwinded but this will be a very short article…. I promise, pinky swear! 🙂

Picture this scenario: You are at the gym or at home and you wish to do strength training exercises plus an aerobic workout of choice. But which should you do first?

In achieving your fitness goals, having a great workout goes beyond just the mechanics of exercising. It also means having the proper posture and form. Strength training presides over cardio in this case. Why? Glad you asked.

Aerobic workouts take a lot of the body’s energy to perform. Endurance is always the primary focus here. You will be tired. No doubt about it. And your form will suffer.

Soooo, the last place you’ll want to be is struggling to do that last rep on a bench press with a 200-pound barbell.

(“Running3d Character”: Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/”/)


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Celebrate “You”…….

Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” – Betty Friedan

As kids and youngsters, we could not wait to grow into adulthood. But once we experience the responsibilities and changes that it brings. We often imagine at times that we were younger once again. canstockphoto1738680

Aging is an inevitable process. But what makes a person young is not all about the physical look, but in the attitude and enthusiasm that lies within us. Every age in life brings a new opportunity and the past years help us to gain the maturity to face the current opportunity.

Our physical body doesn’t have to be a barrier that stops us from having fun in our lives. Following a healthy regimen of regular exercise, getting the proper rest and maintaining a nutritious diet, one can help stay energetic and young at heart irrespective of how old you are.

All around us, we see blatant marketing trends geared toward looking younger. It almost seems as being who and where we are and what it took for us to get there, is no longer an important factor. Honor your journey in who you are along with the wisdom and experiences you can offer. You cannot achieve life experiences when you’re ‘locked’ in time.

In her recent interview with Oprah Winfrey, Cameron Diaz spoke about how she embraced her aging gracefully and naturally. She chose not to follow her stunning co-stars in the industry who opted for surgery. She mentioned how excited she was when she turned 40 and that she felt it was her beginning of life. We learn new things and accept ourselves just the way we are created. In spite of the fact that Cameron Diaz refused to follow the Hollywood trend of Botox and embraced her age, she still is one of the highest paid actresses in the industry.

This gift of life is not worth squandering on or following the anti-aging trend used in technologies and products to stop something that is inevitable. Life is worthwhile when it is spent relishing every moment given and doing the things in which you enjoy the most.

In our eagerness to achieve our goals and dreams, we sometimes succumb to the pressures of society and leave the child within us behind. Keeping the child within us alive will help us enjoy life to its fullest.  A small child is not caught up in the worries of the world. Consciously keeping stress away and making a firm decision to enjoy life will make the entire process of aging a joy.


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Feeling The Case of The Slumps?

Try These List of Foods for a Quick Boost….



What Are Superfoods?


Remember the time when we were children, our energy level was so high that we can move non-stop all day and night until our parents put us to bed? Now as we get older, its seems that our “get up and go” has “gave down and went”. It is hard for some of us to stay alerted for 12 hours without the urge to take a nap slap-dab in the middle of the day.

When it comes to maintaining our health, getting enough sleep lies in the same category as eating and breathing. As we get older, it brings on a different sleep pattern for us. At times, we need to adjust it so when it becomes bedtime, there is no problem in getting to sleep. We sometimes do not get enough sleep during the night and then we are tired during the day. When you lie down during the day, (depending on the time and how much sleep you get), then when it is time for bed, you’re not as tired and it’s a struggle just to get to sleep.

If this is your situation, there are natural metabolism boosters to help us get throughout the day. We can get them through the foods we eat. Superfoods are known to have an unusually high content of antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients. To find out what are classified as superfoods, we will share a few examples. These amazing foods contribute to good health and just taste good!  Various researchers have narrowed it down to 30 top foods. The more “whole” the food is, the better it is for us. Aim for foods that are closest to their natural state. For a complete list guide of superfoods, you can access it here. But for now, we will list a few of them and their purposes:



Egg whites:  Packed with amino acids which are building blocks to jump start our metabolism quicker.

Green Tea:  Rich in antioxidants. Contains a small amount of caffeine that will speed up your system naturally.

Hot peppers:  This reason is obvious because of it’s thermogenic effect. It is the capsaicin in them that adds that “boost.” (Seek physicians advice if diagnosed with ulcers or heartburn).

Water:  Nature’s medicine which is a natural “pick me up” known to increase the body’s metabolic rate.


Not only will they help improve metabolism, they help with achieving any fitness or weight-loss goal by naturally suppressing the appetite to eat.

Result: You will feel refreshed and energized throughout the day so that you can “get up and go” again!



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Saturated Fat Does Not link to Heart Disease – Your Opinion?


A published study that was recently released by international researchers suggest  that eating saturated fat does not lead to an increase in heart attacks, heart conditions or stroke. While this study will come against the beliefs of many health officials and doctors, this conclusion will definitely be the holy grail for  meat lovers…..

On the flip side, this new research did find a link between hydrogenated fats, (found in processed and fast foods), and increased heart disease.

We can now increase our intake of saturated fat without any risk involved, correct?

Not quite…..

“Does My Food Count?”, is one of our mini eBooks which details the importance of certain fats in our bodies. We also break down the types of fat along with the amount that is recommended daily. You can download our eBook free by clicking here.

Let’s give a conclusive example that heart disease is no longer a risk factor. However,  there are other factors to be concerned with. Foods that contain high saturated fat levels increases the risk for certain cancers, type 2 diabetes and weight gain. Which is the reason that we should not be over-excessive with it. According to the American Heart Association, saturated fat should be less than 7 percent of your total calorie intake. No more than 140 calories of food should contain saturated fat as part of a 2,000-calorie diet.

The study concluded that the people who ate saturated fat in higher levels did not have more heart disease than those who ate less. Neither did it find less disease in those eating higher amounts of unsaturated fats, (e.g., monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats).

We would love to hear from you. What is your intake on this subject?



The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease

  1. Patty W Siri-Tarino,
  2. Qi Sun,
  3. Frank B Hu, and
  4. Ronald M Krauss

Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine:

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Ovarian Cancer Prevention: Start Now!




A report was released that suggests that there could be a link between ovarian cancer and obesity. This particular subject has long been a debate with researchers for years. The reports were released by two major cancer institutes that confirmed that obesity may play a part of developing ovarian cancer. Obesity has already been linked to several illnesses according to the National Cancer Institute.

Ovarian Cancer is the 5th leading cause of death among women in the United States. It kills more than 14,000 yearly according to the American Cancer Society.

Maintaining a healthy weight may not be a one-way ticket in stopping the disease, however, this is one of the factors that we actually can monitor. Since this particular cancer has no symptoms in its early stages until it has spread, this is why it is known as the silent killer of women.

Since maintaining a healthy weight is one of the ways to reduce the risk, we can definitely take charge of our health and our lives. The video goes into the details of this report.


