This or That?


In our article, ‘Component 2: Anaerobic Fitness’, we share beginners tips on when and how to start implementing strength training exercises into your workout regimen to reach your fitness goals. You can view our article by clicking here.

Fast forward:  You are no longer a beginner. You are now diligent in your exercise plan in getting a great workout. You have either enrolled in a gym or decided to go about your fitness goals by working out at home or outdoors. You are ready to tackle the iron!

I tend to be longwinded but this will be a very short article…. I promise, pinky swear! 🙂

Picture this scenario: You are at the gym or at home and you wish to do strength training exercises plus an aerobic workout of choice. But which should you do first?

In achieving your fitness goals, having a great workout goes beyond just the mechanics of exercising. It also means having the proper posture and form. Strength training presides over cardio in this case. Why? Glad you asked.

Aerobic workouts take a lot of the body’s energy to perform. Endurance is always the primary focus here. You will be tired. No doubt about it. And your form will suffer.

Soooo, the last place you’ll want to be is struggling to do that last rep on a bench press with a 200-pound barbell.

(“Running3d Character”: Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/”/)


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