Category Archives: Articles

The 3 Super Seeds for Health


We are hearing about the health benefits of flax, hemp, and chia seeds everywhere in the media. These 3 seeds also rank high on the nutrition chart. Deciding which one is the right choice depends on your diet goals. If you are considering adding seeds as a part of your eating regimen, look for organic seeds in their raw state. Try to avoid irradiated or roasted seeds.


Chia Seeds

If you want fiber, your best choice is found in chia seeds.They are packed with 10 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein in 3 tablespoons. Chia seeds come from the Chia plant, native to Mexico and Guatemala.

These small black seeds swell when added to liquids. They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins, (thiamine, riboflavin, folate, and niacin), calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. For people who are dieting or simply choosing healthier eating options, chia seeds are great because they are enriched in nutrients with very little caloric intake required. Packed with antioxidants, the fiber and protein in them can help aid in weight loss by helping you feel full longer.


Flaxseeds are small brown or golden seeds that provide nutritious benefits on a low caloric intake. Rich in omega 3s, fiber, and antioxidants, they are considered a healthy additive for any diet. The omega 3s in flaxseeds, known as Alpha-linolenic acid or ALA, has been shown to inhibit tumor growth, lower blood pressure and improve blood sugar. Flaxseeds are also rich in fiber and other key nutrients.

Flaxseeds are readily available and can be purchased whole or ground in almost any grocery store. Keep in mind that they are best eaten in ground form up to get the full nutrients. Remember to refrigerate these seeds in a tight container to preserve them longer. If you have high blood pressure or cholesterol, consider adding flaxseeds to your diet. They have been shown to decrease blood pressure and cholesterol if eaten regularly.

Hemp Seeds

If protein is your option, choose hemp seeds which contain a whopping 10 grams per ounce. Hemp seeds contain all 20 amino acids, including those that our body does not produce. These seeds are high in omegas 3 and 6, which are great for the body’s immune system and cardiovascular health.

Hemp does have a bit of a sketchy past because these seeds do come from the same family of plants as marijuana. Growing it was illegal under federal law, however, the government’s prohibition on hemp was partially eased in the Farm Bill passed by Congress in 2014. Most U.S. retailers rely on imports of hemp from other countries such as Canada. Hemp seeds are very similar to sunflower seeds in that they have to be shelled to be eaten. They are a great source of magnesium and fiber and contain a compound known as Gamma-linolenic acid or GLA which has been shown to reduce the risk of certain illnesses and diseases.

Whatever choice you make, you can feel comfortable knowing all of these seeds are rich in nutrients that our bodies need and will provide you many great health benefits.



Aben A, Danckaerts M. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the treatment of children and adolescents with ADHD. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2010;52(2):89-97.

Angerer P, von Schacky C. n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the cardiovascular system. Curr Opin Lipidol. 2000;11(1):57-63.

Kaul N, Kreml R, Austria JA, Richard MN, Edel AL, Dibrov E, Hirono S, Zettler ME, Pierce GN. A comparison of fish oil, flaxseed oil and hempseed oil supplementation on selected parameters of cardiovascular health in healthy volunteers. J Am Coll Nutr. 2008;27:51–8. [PubMed]

Kenny FS, Pinder SE, Ellis IO et al. Gamma linolenic acid with tamoxifen as primary therapy tn breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2000;85:643-648.

Kim D, Yoo T, Lee S, et al. Gamma-linolenic acid exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effects in diabetic nephropathy. Yonsei Med J. 2012;53(6):1165-75.

Kong X, Ge H, Chen L, et al. Gamma-linolenic acid modulates the response of multidrug-resistant K562 leukemic cells to anticancer drugs. Toxicol In Vitro. 2009;23(4):634-9.

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Men Over 40: Foods To Avoid for Better Health

To arrive at 40 years is truly a milestone! Congratulations! This is one of the reasons it’s so important to take into account to start thinking about investing in your health at this time. Men are at a greater risk of health problems, some which are predicated on nutrition and lifestyle choices. man eat doughnutAt this stage of life, you may have realized that you may not able to eat or drink like you could in your younger days. The body’s rate to recover from binge eating or all night partying becomes slower. In this article, we will focus on foods to avoid that can wreck havoc on men’s health.

First and foremost, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight. Otherwise, men are at a higher risk of cancers including prostate, heart disease, bladder cancer, type 2 diabetes and hormonal troubles. Another factor involved is that the body’s testosterone levels decline after 40. Eating an improper diet can lead to hormone imbalance issues. A healthier diet and a regular exercise program could dramatically reduce the risk.

If you have been diagnosed with a health condition, then eating a balanced diet can help reduce some of the side effects. Certain foods can actually worsen the symptoms. It is important to know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid under the guidance of a physician.

According to a study by investigators at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, foods that increase the risk of illnesses and cancers for men are breaded & fried foods. They are high in calories and contain acrylamide, a chemical that is linked to the development of cancer. Roasting, steaming or boiling foods are healthier choices.

According to the American Heart Association, sodas and fruit juices contain caffeine and refined sugars which can cause blood sugar to spike and increase the risk of heart attacks. Substitute with drinking water or decaffeinated green tea for healthier choices. Choose fresh or frozen fruits to blend versus fruit juices.

Bacon, sausages, and red meats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol. These foods contain a lot of saturated fat which raises blood pressure. They are high in chemicals that have been shown to cause cancer according to the research division of the World Health Organization. If you must eat meats, opt for organic instead.

All food products made with white flour can increase blood sugar, inflammation, and arthritis. Lowering sugar intake in foods will help avoid clogs in the arteries and reduce inflammation in the body. Potassium bromate, which is found in these products, is proven to be toxic. In fact, this additive has been banned throughout most of the world. Foods containing whole grain flour are a smarter choice.

Whole milk is high in fat and can lead to an increased risk for prostate cancer. Select 1% or fat-free organic milk or you can replace it with almond, rice or cashew milk. These kinds of milk are free from hormones and will not contribute to the hormonal imbalances that are already happening in the body.

Lifestyle choices such as excessive drinking, drug use, and smoking can damage the liver and widen blood vessels so they lose their shape. This can lead to premature illnesses, diseases and yes, wrinkles.

Following a heart healthy eating plan, such as the Mediterranean or the Paleo diet, is ideal for men over 40 and at any age. These eating plans consist of incorporating more vegetables, nuts, herbs and fruits and avoiding foods which can contribute to health problems. Exercise is just as important for reducing health risks which can lead to heart attacks.

Be sure to include foods high in fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats such as fish. Following a healthy diet will help a man over 40 look and feel healthier while adding life to his years.


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PhuketFit’s Total Fitness Retreat in Thailand

PhuketFit is a fitness camp in Phuket, Thailand. Their team is dedicated, committed, and passionate in the work they do. They are professionally trained with specialized skills, specific talents, and steely determination in ensuring that their clients get a kick-start to a new and  healthier lifestyle.

The ‘Total Fitness’ Program at PhuketFit:

The PhuketFit Fitness Program is ideal for individuals whose desire is to substantially improve their fitness levels and enhance their athletic abilities, while simultaneously increasing their flexibility and physical strength.

There is no gym or fitness center in the world with a team that can help clients achieve results as effectively and quickly as with the professional team at PhuketFit. Their program puts customers on a fast-track to a new and healthier lifestyle. Your body will transform into a fit and strong one right before your eyes. The total fitness program ensures that every area of the body gets worked out and trained. This is one of the secrets of the high success rate of the program.

The Total Fitness program commences with a one-on-one personal evaluation session carried out by a specialist in the field of nutrition and fitness. The fitness program is then chalked out by both the specialist and the customer; the core is laid out, based around the goals, wants, and preferences of the client. The creation of such a program is what lays the groundwork for a strong foundation, thereby ensuring that they get a huge head start as far as nutrition and training regimen is concerned.

Once the base is set, you can begin the journey of total fitness at PhuketFit. Soon you will not only feel healthy, fit, and strong, but will also be the envy of your peers. After the program has been successfully completed and you are set up for your trip back home, you will be equipped with all the strategies and tools to ensure that our training program continues to become a part of your lifestyle.

Schedule and Features of the Total Fitness program at PhuketFit:

The program commences with a personal evaluation session, carried out on a one to one basis with a certified trainer equipped with necessary skills to help with the body’s transformation process. Our clients will then go through an all-inclusive and complete endurance, fitness, aerobic, and strength test to gauge your capacity and then personalize the program according to their wants, preferences, and capacities.

A personal program coach will offer support and advice, continuously throughout the duration of the program. The progress of the clients gets tracked by the coach via meetings that are conducted at least once a week. In such meetings, the coach may offer suggestions on how to enhance the focus and even make changes to the program, if need be. The complete program is modified, optimized, and personalized along with continuous support to ensure that our client’s fitness goals and health requirements are successfully achieved.

Website Link:

A Typical ‘Total Fitness’ program at PhuketFit will Feature the Following Weekly Structure:

• Five Yoga classes
• Seven Group Fitness classes
• Five TRX suspension classes
• Muay Thai kickboxing classes
• One Morning Beach Boot camp
• Education throughout the program and classes.
• Fitness Studio Access (7 am to 10 pm)
• 1 Oil or Thai Massage
• Health Food planned meal (2 snacks, 3 daily meals, 1 juice)


Healthier Aging: The Benefits of Strength Training

Maintaining a good quality of life is key to healthier aging. We value our independence and take pride in being able to take part in our favorite activities, daily chores, or spending time with friends and family. It is important to stay strong, healthy, and as mobile as possible. While aging is a fact of life, it does not mean that it has to necessarily dictate our limitations. In fact, it can be very fruitful and productive.canstockphoto18679340

Strength exercises are shown to be a major weapon in slowing down the physical declines associated with the aging process. A study performed at the University of Navarre (in Spain) shows that strength exercises help to avoid frailty in the later years. Many fitness experts are lauding strength training for slowing the progression of lower bone density, metabolism, and muscle mass. Health benefits include a lower risk of developing arthritis, reduced body pain, and aiding in the prevention or management of many health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. While no remedy or exercise regimen can stop the progression of time, strength training done in conjunction with aerobics can certainly keep you much healthier in the process.

Physical inactivity results in muscle loss, which can be as much as 7 pounds per decade. (Forbes 1976, Evans and Rosenberg 1992). In addition, many other health issues are linked to inactivity. For example, glucose sensitivity decreases as we age. Moreover, insulin resistance and deficient glucose metabolism are associated with Type II diabetes. Researchers at the University of Maryland found that four months of regular strength training increased glucose uptake by almost 25 percent in the pre-diabetic study subjects. and may help stave off or reverse pre-diabetic conditions.

One of the most important aspects of strength training is that you are never too old to begin. Always get consent from a physician before starting any workout program. This is especially true for individuals with pre-existing health conditions. For people who suffer from mobility issues and injuries, look for an instructor who is able to ‘scale’ any workouts to make it safe and effective.

If you want to stay strong, active, mobile, and self-sufficient as you age, then you should be strength training twice a week to start. You can view our entire article on Anaerobic Fitness by clicking here. Its benefits are second to none for weight management, building core strength, and staying svelte.


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Burpees: The Ultimate Fitness Challenge

This exercise was primarily used by mixed martial artists, the military, and other hardcore exercise 512px-thumbnailgroups over many decades. Its inventor, Royal Huddleston Burpee, was an American psychologist who wanted to design a test for agility, coordination, and fitness. This workout has become a standard in Cross-Fit training. There are many variations of Burpee exercises for people of all fitness levels. Here is an explanation of how to perform the workout as outlined in Wikipedia.

  1. Begin in a standing position.
  2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)
  3. Kick your feet back, while keeping your arms extended. (count 2)
  4. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. (count 3)
  5. Jump up from the squat position (count 4)

Burpee exercises produce results because it combines a total aerobic and strength training workout rolled into one. Every muscle in your body is at work, including your heart. You will get a cardio workout without having to jog a single step. It is an effective calorie burning exercise. How many calories are burned depends on the number of reps performed and your current body weight.

Sidenote: In our combined history of living a health and fitness lifestyle, we have a responsibility in this article to share how to achieve your fitness goals in both the fastest and safest way possible.

For those who wish to pursue this exercise, always seek the advice of a physician who can take into account any past injuries and prior illnesses. Burpees can cause a significantly higher risk of injury if you are suffering from osteoporosis, arthritis or any type of joint or bone condition.

HMF Tips:

1. Always start with an aerobic regimen for improving endurance and muscle function before starting a program which places emphasis on any method of strength training. Please feel free to view our article on aerobic training by clicking here.

2.  Always check to make sure the instructor is trained for working with a beginner or an older adult. They should be able to ‘scale’ any program to make it safe and effective.

Safer variations of this exercise include:

* Stepping, rather than flinging the feet back to reduce pressure on the back and knees.
* Starting with hands on a deck or platform. This reduces the range of motion required.

For starters, do 1-4 burpees on your first day. You can do a simplified version as described above if you would like. On the next day, repeat. On days three and four, do 5-10 reps. Increase the number of burpees you do by 1 the day after. With time and practice, these movements will become easier to do.


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Photo: Courtesy of: SPC Nathan Franco [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons



Holistic Treatments for Dry Damaged Hair that Work

What robs the shine and bodycanstockphoto26971013 out of our hair? Health conditions, improper maintenance, the lack of nutrients and sun exposure are among many factors that lead to dry or damaged hair. Nevertheless, dry hair doesn’t spare anyone regardless of sex, race or nationality. It can ruin the look of a sassy hairstyle that you spent hours trying to achieve.

Dry hair is a result when the cuticles do not lay flat. Undamaged cuticles lie flat, hold moisture and reflect light. Whether your hair is colored, bleached, straight, permed, textured or natural, the most important aspect in obtaining healthy hair is giving it the moisture it needs. You do not have to resort to hiding your hair under a scarf or a hat to keep your tresses at bay. There are many ways to skin a camel. We will take a look at a universal trend which is slowly becoming adapted in our Western culture.

Holistic living is a lifestyle which reconnects us back to the “earth” from which we are made. Our bodies and our hair are part of our creation. Herbalism, which is practiced in holistic living, connects us with our environment in the same way. Our bodies naturally absorb herbs made by nature as opposed to anything man made or artificial. Holistic health and self-care for some people are not only medicinal, it is a way of life in which you are one with it, literally.

We all know that natural oils such jojoba, avocado, and coconut, among others, can contribute to our hair’s body and shine. Olive, babassu and castor oil are best for thick and dense hair. Other oils work best for medium to fine hair. Adding a few drops of lavender, peppermint, rosemary or aloe vera, will add a pleasant smelling scent to your hair. These herbal oils have special properties which aid in providing moisture and growth in different ways:

Rosemary: These herbs help to relieve dandruff and dry itchy scalp, leaving your hair soft and shiny. Rosemary is known for promoting hormone balance which is essential to healthy hair growth.

Peppermint: This herb has a menthol-rich smell which invigorates the scalp. It acts as a mild anesthetic. When applied to the scalp, it binds the roots of your hair, increases the blood flow to it, therefore making your hair stronger. Peppermint help to balance the pH levels, which help aid in relieving a dry scalp.

Aloe Vera: This herb in known for restoring proper oil balance in the hair. It is nature’s natural conditioner.

You can mix and match the natural and herbal scented oils and tailor it to your hair’s condition.

Create an Herbal Water Conditioner:

You can purchase dry scented herbs that come in pouches. You can combine all of the herbs by using one teaspoon of each or you can select the ones you want for your particular hair needs. Start by adding about two cups of boiling water over the herbs. For thicker hair, double the measurements. Let the water set for about an hour. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool completely. Wash or co-wash your hair the way you would normally do. After washing, pour the herbal mixture into your hair, covering every area completely. Do not rinse out.

Inside Out:

Internal maintenance is vital in keeping those tresses moisturized, strong and shiny. These holistic herbs will add to the health of your hair:

1.  Oat Straw is a nutritive herb that stems from green oats, also known as Avena Sativa. Two of its compounds are calcium and silicic acid. This herb is a natural tonic which is known for increasing energy. In addition, the calcium in this herb does the body well for bones, nails and yes, of course, the hair. It comes in capsule form or powder.

2.  Evening Primrose Oil contains fatty acids needed for healthy skin and hair. You can purchase it in capsule form or you can buy the oil in which you can add a couple of drops in your favorite tea.

3. Flaxseed is a nutritive herb. They contain high amounts of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) found in omega-3 fats. Flaxseed gel is a popular favorite which is used as a natural hair styler for wash-n-go’s, braid outs, twist outs and for roller sets without the use of heat. You can purchase flaxseeds in capsules or buy the natural seeds. They come in whole or grounded. If you use the natural seeds, a little goes a long way. A teaspoon a day added to your oatmeal, yogurt or as a topping on a salad, will enrich your hair follicles from the inside, providing fatty acids for added moisture.

When using herbs for medicinal purposes, never use them while pregnant or nursing without seeking counsel from a physician. If you are on prescription drugs, it is best to check with your doctor. While most herbs are deemed safe with little to no side effects, they can be dangerous when taken in large doses or in the wrong form. It is always best to start off with taking the lowest dosage.


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My Story…


From The Co-Editor’s Desk:

It truly has been awhile since we shared a sponsored post from Halfmile Fitness. I wish to share my story in hopes that it will be an inspiration to someone:

Our winter this year in New York was a record breaker due to the extreme cold temperatures and the snowstorms. I am normally a diehard when it comes to exercising outdoors all year long. However, due to the harsh winter, it would have been suicide. So I kept my workouts indoors, with the exception of going out to shovel or heading to the gym. This was very hard for me because I love taking the scenic route when I go jogging or walking. Our 1st major snowstorm started in November and then came other storms throughout the winter, with wind chills falling into the minus digits. Our arctic blast continued until around March. In counting, that added up to about 4 months. Talk about having cabin fever!

Around the end of February, I’ve noticed that I was always clearing my throat and my chest would wheeze every time I lay down for the night. The strangest thing is that I did not have a cough with it. This phase lasted for about two weeks. My initial thought was that it was a chest congestion. I decided to make my natural concoction of 3 fresh lemon juice added to a cup of hot water along with 1 to 2 cloves of crushed garlic, a little sea salts, and crushed pepper. This recipe may not be ideal for some people, but the results for me were almost instantaneous. I would drink 1 cup twice a day, morning and night. I also drink green & white tea twice a day, because of its antioxidant properties. These teas help the body’s immune system to fight off any illnesses. This definitely stopped the wheezing, but shortly afterward, I was experiencing reflux symptoms. The acid would make its way from my stomach into my chest and throat which was continuous throughout the day and got worse at night. The pain of it was so unbearable that the only way I was able to sleep was to prop my head and body up to a sitting position. I could not understand why this was happening since I rarely eat or drink anything which would trigger it. So I decided to go the Best Of Health Store in the city and purchased this natural ingredient. I would add it to my juicing regimen to protect my esophagus from being eaten alive, literally.

I made a beeline to my physician’s office to tell her what was happening and requested to have an endoscopy done. In the meantime, she wrote up a prescription for omeprazole for me to take every 12 hours. After a week and a half from taking the medication, my reflux symptoms did not subside, neither did the pain of having my food tube and throat eaten away.

I decided to pull out some books from my library after work to do some in-depth research into acid reflux and Gerd. I wanted to study its causes and effects. I saw that unhealthy lifestyle habits along with certain types foods and beverages are triggers. I looked up different prescription treatments, including omeprazole, along with the ingredients listed and their side effects. This research took me all day since I work nights, but I wanted answers. Then I ran across an interesting fact:

“In certain individuals, acid-reducing drugs can make GERD worse. These drugs reduce acid so radically that it stop the stomach from working properly, causing the common side effects of bloating, belching and lump in throat feeling. In turn, this can actually cause acid reflux and make the medication you were given for it, worse.”

This information shocked me so I went online to look up research articles which support the same theory.

In my future blog, (My Story – Part 2), I will share what caused my reflux symptoms and how I finally managed to get it under control naturally. I would chew on these natural seeds each time before I drink or eat, which acts as a natural antacid without the side effects. This eliminates the need for taking antacids. My digestive tract was finally able to start healing with the use of raw honey and the use of another natural ingredient. I had switched temporarily from juicing to using different blends of smoothies that combined three of these same ingredients which tackled the reflux and inflammation directly. I will reveal what those are.

At Halfmile Fitness, we truly appreciate sharing information, guidance, and tips with our readers and subscribers. We thank you for your support! Until next time, take care….

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Eat Your Fish! Studies Suggest Miracle Powers of Fish:

canstockphoto22313973We are constantly hearing in the news media about the benefits of a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids; but where do we get them from? When your mother urged you to eat your fish and finish your plate, it would have been wise to have listened. Fish is one of the best ways to incorporate healthy lean protein along with these vital fats. Fish is a prime source of nutrition whether you’re trying to shed pounds, be healthier or to feel better overall.

Health studies are continually linking regular fish consumption, at least two servings a week, with reduced risk of various disorders and diseases ranging from colon cancer to dementia. If someone told you that eating a little fish could improve your health overall, would you make the switch?

Here’s the top six reasons to eat more fish:

Fish is high in omega 3 fatty acids. These fats help reduce the risk from certain types of cancers; particularly oral, colon and breast. Prostrate cancer risk was shown to be reduced by a whopping 40 percent.

Studies show that seniors who regularly consume large amounts of fish at least once per week reduce their risk of developing dementia. In addition, a diet high in omega 3 helps with other brain disorders, reducing the risk of epilepsy, concussions and even autism in certain forms.

Eating lots of fish is a great way to boost healthy proteins which help to balance out blood sugar levels for people with diabetes, helping to avoid spikes in insulin.

Arthritis (Even Rheumatoid)
Weekly consumption of fish has been shown to improve pain associated with inflammation and painful symptoms more than other types of meat protein. It just so happens that certain types of fat affect inflammation more than others.

Science has suggested that mothers who ate a lot of fish when breastfeeding their children gifted them with excellent eyesight. This is due to mother’s breast-milk containing the fatty acids in fish which links to enhanced eyesight, especially in the retina.

Depression has been directly linked to a lack of healthy fatty acids like Omega 3s in the brain. This meta-analysis was published in “Translational Psychiatry” under the direction Dr. Roel JT Mocking, Department of Psychiatry, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It therefore follows that consuming fish will reduce the symptoms of depression over time.

Not only does fish taste great and come in a ton of varieties to fit all taste palates, but eating it can literally make you healthier! What a deal! No reason not to eat as much of it as you can, and thank your mother for her wisdom.



University of Maryland Medical Center:

UCSF Medical Center:

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Pregnancy: Jaclyn M Coletta, MD,1 Stacey J Bell, DSc, RD,2 and Ashley S Roman, MD, MPH3

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Try “Earthing” For Health

Fall and winter are times of the year when the weather feels crisp, while at times cold and windy. The sky is often cloudy and seems to call people to sit indoors and curl up by the fire. During these seasons, keeping yourself active is more important than ever to fight off the effects of the cold weather.

canstockphoto7423864One of the most helpful exercises it turns out is walking. This low-impact exercise is free to take up, yet offers all of the benefits of more stressful workouts. Walking attunes the body to the rhythm of nature and the planet. Walking has been shown to improve both the human spirit and emotional well being. Mental tasks are more efficient after a good walk. One type of walking from ancient times is becoming anew again. This ancient branch of science is called “earthing.”

Modern Science Meets Ancient Science:

“Earthing” is walking that contacts with the bare earth. This includes dirt roads, sand, grass and any part of the planet that is natural. This does not include walking on pavement, cement or tiled walkways. Modern studies have shown that earthing exposes the body to electrons on the earth’s surface. These electrons can travel through the skin of the feet and offer the body some great benefits. These studies have shown the following benefits for practitioners of earthing:

**Increased Antioxidant Levels
**Strengthens cardiovascular functions
**Less Pain
**More viscous blood
**Improved cortisol and hormonal balance
**Increased restful sleep
**Other benefits for some people

These studies show that our ancestors used this simple method to obtain good health.

Walking To Beat Cancer

Even if you need to walk on the pavement for practical reasons, such as poor gait, there are still benefits to simply walking. One of the best is for the prevention of cancers. There is a direct correlation between cancer improvement and the motion of the body. This also holds true for other chronic diseases including diabetes, heart problems, lung disorders and joint problems. Walking has a known effect on efficient circulation, muscle strength, immune response, toxin removal and oxygenation. Even if you don’t earth, put walking into your daily schedule.

Other Secret Benefits to Walking

Sometimes when we walk, we do not obtain all the benefits from it. If we are not concentrating on the rhythm of nature, some of the benefits are missed out. By walking with nature, our bodies become slowly in tune with the earth. This has a number of secret benefits, ones that might not occur if we do not allow ourselves to listen to the birds and our natural surroundings.

Two types of healing happen when we are walking with nature. One, a physiological rhythm develops a biological response that releases endorphins into our body. This leads to a heightened feeling of well-being that athletes speak about. The other response is an emotional rhythm. When we walk, certain feelings and problems come out to be reprocessed by our brains and body systems. From this rethinking, we find that many of our problems are easier to face and sometimes we come up with missing solutions. If we walk often enough and long enough, we find ourselves reprocessing our feelings and actions about the past in a new way.

As we walk, our breathing and walking pace become joined together. The walk becomes about keeping this rhythm together. This combination of movement and breathing together helps us reach higher levels of understanding and deeper abilities to process life around us. This is the secret benefit of walking – a healthier life both physically and mentally.

So, make a decision today to add ‘earthing’ to your life. The benefits to your health and well-being are all waiting there for you.


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“Just For Men” – Health Check

Midlife is usually the stage of life that is full of accomplishments for most men. For others, it is the stage that they wish to start a new phase in life.

Whether it be in raising a family or a career change, it is important to take into account to start thinking about investing in your health at this time. Practicing a healthy routine throughout your life is ideal. It is never too late to benefit from taking excellent care of yourself. This is because of a variety of proven studies that have come out in recent years on men’s health. It is recommended that men should go for prostate cancer screenings starting in their 40s. For those who are at a higher risk,canstockphoto4831232 screenings should be performed twice a year.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death for older men. The key to making sure that men survive for as long as possible is a combination of making sure that regular checkups and screenings are done. Practicing self-prevention to lessen the risk is another step. This means focusing on adopting a lifestyle of exercising and eating a healthy diet. According to Swedish Researchers, all men who are between the ages of 45 and 49 should help mitigate almost half of all prostate cancer deaths. This came from a study of over 21,000 men. Screening is critical for health and this study just supports that fact more than ever.

Regular physicals help to prevent other problems as well such as heart disease, which is often an even bigger killer of men in their 40s. About a quarter of all heart-disease-related deaths occurs in men ages 35 to 65 according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In particular, it’s possible for men to curb the problem by eating less fat and processed foods and exercising regularly to help keep their heart healthy for the long term. Otherwise, the heart can become stressed due to clogged arteries. The lack of exercise might cause the heart to be unable to handle the extra load. Other illnesses include stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Early detection of these illnesses can be treated if found early and as a result helps with healthier aging.

A healthier lifestyle change will go a long way to making sure that men survive well through their 40s and beyond.


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